I’ve had an infatuation with nicknames since I was young, it started with watching TV shows and watching animated groups of kids referring to each by code names they had created together.  That infatuation has carried over into my adult life.  A number of people in my life have one.  It is rarely something that can be forced.  More something that occurs over time, inspired often by the relationship itself and the experiences that define it.

I call my Fiance, Handsome, because one day it occurred to me I didn’t tell him he was near as much as I thought I should.  If I always referred to him as such, then he would be constantly reminded.  My co-conspirator I refer to as Mama Bear, because on more than one occasion, I have traipsed behind this individual through a dark and crowded dance floor as he attends to the others in the group.  Regardless if he’s one or four drinks in, he always has tabs on the others, an admirable quality.  My boyfriend I refer to as Jellybean & he refers to me as Skittlez.  On my phone is a photo folder called the Mars Bars Candy Co, in which we share photos.  Why we refer to each other by such names.  I can’t even begin to tell you.  I have not the slightest clue where they come from; they just seem to fit us. I could list a dozen others that have come and gone over time.  Sunshine, Bug, Tater-Tot, Tim Tam, Boo Boo, Dude, Whitey Wack, Hubs, Friend….Each one of these nicknames is tied to a person, a time, a place, & a well of emotions & memories.  Some of them were mine and some of them belonged to the other individual.

For myself, I’ve always enjoyed the uniqueness these nicknames imbue. Again I’ve never tried to force a nickname.  Those times I have, it has almost always failed and, in fact, felt forced.  When they happen organically over time, sometimes, I don’t even realize they’ve manifested. Then I will refer to that person by their nickname when speaking to an outside individual and in return get a confused look.  To those outside of the dynamic these nicknames hold no symbolism or meaning. They may be seen as cute or cheesy, but some descriptors fail to capture the depth and meaning built into these nicknames.  

Nicknames are a manifestation of who that person is to me and the bond we’ve developed.  That connection is something that can only be developed over time, which is not to say the duration must be long, but meaningful and/or impactful. Each nickname is unique, they’re often only applicable & usable by those with-in the relationship. If that were ever unclear, try calling someone by a nickname you know they go by, but you don’t use for them yourself.  Chances are it will feel odd on your tongue.

In the end nicknames are a way for me to express my affection and to build a connection with others.  To me the vocabulary makes sense.  I know for others, nicknames don’t hold as large an import.  And that’s ok. The important lesson here is that we find ways to express our affection that is true to who we are.   

-Always in Love, Poly Guy 1