Welcome back friends. Sorry for the hiatus, it has been a very obscure couple of months. In any case, we didn’t want to miss the opportunity to post this year for Pride. As California fully re-opens, the bars are opened and just as packed as they used to be. It is nice to see some normalcy again in the community. 

What is Pride about? It’s more than just the colors on a flag, parades, and a celebration. There’s history, we should honor those who came before us in the fight for LGBT+ rights. We are able to express ourselves in every facet and form. If I want to wear some crop I have the right to, if I want to say I love you to random guys I can, if I want to express myself I have the opportunity to go for it. When we openly express who we are, we also set ourselves in a  vulnerable place. It can be scary to be vulnerable, but Pride helps us unite and celebrate our differences. 

I recently came out to my parents and sibling as polyamorous. My mom took it fairly well, most likely because she knew my last partner and I were in an open relationship. On the other hand, my sister and dad didn’t have the bandwidth or knowledge on how to deal with it. Since telling them the news, we haven’t talked about it much. Though it was nice that for the first time ever, my dad expressed his acceptance for me as a gay man. 

This Pride, my sister orchestrated a personalized card that they all signed. It was the first time to get such a card from my family. I felt overwhelmed with the progress made with them. There was a time when my dad thought being gay was a phase. It’s not, neither is it a choice. I am fortunate to have the love and support from my family and friends to be who I am… Gay, polyamorous, Asian American.

Other people are not as fortunate. I recently had an insightful Uber ride to the Castro. My driver was a citizen of another country where they kill and jailed anyone who was a part of the  LGBT+ community. He is now here for asylum from his home country. While we have made great strides for LGBT+ rights, there is still so much that needs to be done. 

 -Your Friendly Poly Guy 2